presence & resourcing…

(Sundays thru May 3, 4-5.30pm irish time)

"... Love for the earth
and love for you are having such a long
conversation in my heart. Who knows what
will finally happen or where I will be sent,
yet already I have given a great many things
away, expecting to be told to pack nothing,
except the prayers which, with this thirst,
I am slowly learning."

Mary Oliver, Thirst:

All of us, in unique ways, are going through an intense array of processes as we digest the shifts that are unfolding so swiftly, the intensity of this moment for our species, and on the planet. We are adapting to new realities and re-organising ourselves by the day. Some of us feel inspired and fluid in this; others are overwhelmed and frightened; many move through a wide range of responses, practicalities and emotions – rich and difficult.

This session is offered as a small sanctuary of resourcing, solidarity and shared presence…

RESOURCING: As we digest the falling away of our habitual routines, we are learning to recalibrate our resources. In these sessions we continue to absorb the shifts, to refine our sense of our current resources and those we may wish to develop, and support our capacity to savour the possibilities of this moment.

There is no charge for these workshops, donations to support future offerings are welcome - but not expected or necessary - they can be offered here, or through paypal to

Please register here. Max spaces 14. 
