emergence, potency, becoming
what are we being invited toward?
Mondays 10-11.15am, thru to December 2020
this group operates on a donation basis, and is currently by invitation only -
if you have worked with me before, please feel free to inquire
As we ‘settle’ into this moment, it is clear that latent capacities are in the air, that we are touching and unearthing strengths, vulnerabilities, ways of seeing that may be ‘higher’, ‘deeper’ or more raw than before. These Monday sessions aim to draw on the potency of this time, to support each other presencing the 'invitations’ we sense within us, the apertures to ‘more’ or to beyond. This is a potent time, and my intention is to support us listening and hearing together these invitations as they arise uniquely in each of us, in order that we may better honour and realize our capacity to - slowly, in Gendlin’s lovely phrase ‘becoming more of ourselves than we have been able to be so far’. And not just as individuals - but as a people, as a species, as creatures here….
How do we work with speaking and listening?
In my teaching and workshops, alongside whatever themes we are exploring, I introduce some of the skills of relational inquiry (drawn from Focusing, Transparent Communication and Inquiry), as these practices support participants uncover and express fresh insights. Working in a contained, confidential way, each person is free to follow their own rhythm of expression.
In the silent, attentive presence of each other, we experience and offer each other space that enhances and develops freedom and self-acceptance. In speaking, we become more precise about our experiences and truths; in listening, we attune to the uniqueness of another person, and allow ourselves to be touched.